Air Runner Workout 101

Did you know that, according to the Obesity Evidence Hub, only 11.1% of Australians who were between the ages of 55 and 64 met the physical activity guidelines? For Australians aged between 18 and 25, this percentage wasn’t much higher, at 20.7%. Despite these statistics, there is hope: by using the right exercise equipment, such as the Air Runner used by Sally Pearson and Barry Hall, Australians can start to work their way toward their fitness and health goals.

If you’re thinking of buying the Air Runner, this is great news. But don't know where to start, trying to figure out if this is the right workout equipment for you?

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review the different workouts you can complete on this piece of gym equipment. And why you should use the Air Runner to reach your fitness goals.



Read on to learn more about Air Runner Workout

Air Runner Workout 101

Did you know that, according to the Obesity Evidence Hub, only 11.1% of Australians who were between the ages of 55 and 64 met the physical activity guidelines? For Australians aged between 18 and 25, this percentage wasn’t much higher, at 20.7%. Despite these statistics, there is hope: by using the right exercise equipment, such as the Air Runner used by Sally Pearson and Barry Hall, Australians can start to work their way toward their fitness and health goals.

If you’re thinking of buying the Air Runner, this is great news. But don't know where to start, trying to figure out if this is the right workout equipment for you?

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review the different workouts you can complete on this piece of gym equipment. And why you should use the Air Runner to reach your fitness goals.



Read on to learn more about Air Runner Workout

Air Runner Workout 101

The HIIT Workout

Are you looking to burn a ton of calories? In this case, once you’ve made the Air Runner an addition to your home gym, you should try out the HITT workout. To complete this workout, you’ll be working out for high-intensity intervals with breaks between.

Here’s how you do it. During the first minute, run until you’ve burned one calorie. Then, once you have, walk for the rest of that minute.

During the second minute, run until you’ve burned two calories. Only then walk for the rest of that minute.

During the third minute, run until you’ve burned three calories. Then, walk for the rest of the minute.

The goal here is to keep increasing the calories that you burn over time, within the allocated minute.

There’s also an alternative to this workout, where you start at your maximum effort. Start by burning a large number of calories first (for example, 15 calories in that first minute). Then, you would decrease one calorie in each minute that follows.

Note that this is still possible with curved treadmills, which don't offer pre-programmed workouts. This means that it'll be up to you to add in any HIIT intervals.

The Endurance Workout

If you’re looking to build up your endurance with this home gym equipment, you should go for the long-running session endurance workout. First, you start with a five-minute warmup where you walk at a pace that’s moderate.

Continue the warm-up, while facing toward one of the sides of the room and do a shuffle on the Air Runner.

Then, do a combination of exercises such as high knees, quick steps, and butt kicks, each for 30 seconds. Then jog at a pace that’s easy for five minutes.

Now, get ready to run. Do so for five minutes, increasing your speed by 0.8 km per hour every minute.

Next, complete a recovery jog for two minutes. Then repeat five minutes of running and two minutes of recovery jogging six times.

Another HIIT Workout

Another HIIT workout you can do on the Air Runner is to walk for five minutes at two miles per hour for your warm-up. Then, for 30 seconds, run at a speed of between 9 and 10 miles per hour. Then, for 60 seconds, walk at a speed of between three to four miles per hour.

Repeat all of this between 5 and 10 times. Then, for five minutes, walk at a speed of two miles per hour to cool down.

Note that, curved treadmills like the Air Runner are equivalent to walking on an incline somewhere between 6–8%, and does not allow you to adjust the incline, like an electric treadmill would.

Looking to Buy an Air Runner?

Now that you’ve learned about the different workouts you can do on the Air Runner, you might be interested in buying one. In this case, look no further than VERVE Fitness. We are an Australian company selling great fitness equipment and we pride ourselves on our wide variety and selection.