Meet Fred Liberatore, Melbourne's most experienced personal trainer who knows how to make clients sweat swear smile!

Meet Fred Liberatore, Melbourne's most experienced personal trainer who knows how to make clients sweat swear smile!

9 minute read

Master Coach Fred Liberatore started researching the best and worst of weight loss over many years and working with hundreds of clients as a personal trainer with over 35 years in the fitness industry.

“I’m really passionate about helping my clients closing the gap in achieving weight loss and optimum health and incredible energy levels” and I’m even more excited to write this article for my friends at VERVE Fitness I've been buying their equipment since 2020 and I recommend my clients as well “. Read Fred Liberatore's article about Why Movement, Sleep and Work Life Balance Are Important As We Age further below.

His philosophy has always been to train hard; no excuses and his own peak fitness is a reflection of that by recently winning the Nabba Sothern Hemisphere at 56 years of age . Fred Liberatore has the edge over 99% of personal trainers, coaches, and health experts because he understands the physical aspect of training and nutrition in the finest detail, but also combines it with the mental edge he has discovered after years of studying the world’s top peak performance experts. (Just Google him if you are not sure).

Remember small changes make for big results keep your new habits consistent and on-going after all repetition is the mother of all skill.



To stay UpToDate with his latest free fitness tips check out his Facebook Group

Why movement, sleep and work life balance are important as we age!

Yes, as a 56-year-old I get it Aging is a natural process and not to be feared. It does not come alone; it is coupled with an increase in wealth and wisdom. One must wonder, if an increase in age leads to an increase in income and knowledge, why do we fear growing old?

It is only logical to think that we are not scared of grey hair, but what it signifies – a visual reminder that our days are numbered.

Developing good fitness habits early I’m sure has paid you off well. The great news is that it’s never too late to reboot your fitness campaign, let me share the awesome things I did in my 20’s that have allowed me to stay away from a walking stick, increase my wealth and wisdom, and prevent crow’s feet around my eyes now in my 50’s!


That doesn’t mean that you wake up every 4 hours and cry then repeat …. Let’s get serious now! When you sleep naked you don’t have to worry about PJ’s `getting twisted. These distractions go away when you sleep naked and it may help you get better, deeper sleep.  You see when your temperature is increasing, you’ll feel more alert and awake, but when the temperature drops you feel drowsier. sleeping naked can lead to you feeling better about yourself. How many times have you heard that you’ve to spend sleepless nights to achieve lasting success in life? Now, you know just how important it is to provide your body and muscles with the time to heal and recover from the intensity of working out.

I am sure we have all been told and pushed towards sacrificing our sleep to meet just another deadline or finish yet another to do on your list. As paradoxical as I might sound right now, you do not need to lose out on your night-time sleep to achieve anything in life. Other than the haunting dark circles that follow insomnia, a lack of sleep can adversely affect your mental and physical health. Anxiety, dementia, obesity, early aging – almost all the syndromes can be traced back to a lack of sleep. In my early years, I might have lost out on a few things, but sleep has never been one!

Lights out at 9:30 PM is a ritual at my house. While it helped me in recovery, it helped my mum to keeping us quiet – a win-win for all.


Try to not just lift weights, but also do some cardiovascular exercises to increase blood flow and balance the hormones. If hormones such as melatonin are balanced in your body, your circadian rhythms – the clock that regulates your sleep   will be just fine. The reality is that it takes effort-focused, persistent, dedicated work toward a fitness goal-to create anything of value. Despite what fake fitness gurus say there are no shortcuts in this lifestyle you either do the work or you don’t and you either transform your body or you don’t. I Cringe every time I see someone, I know hunting for short cuts to success, secretly obsessed with avoiding effort. Gotta get more for less. Gotta work smarter, not harder, Gotta find an easier way. Its total BS

It’s all about knowing deep down that we’re tough sons of bitches and that’s especially true as we age. That we are wired differently from everyone else. That while we may not always win, we never lose because we didn’t work out hard enough.    


Remember how we mentioned we shouldn’t fear aging, we fear the impending doom and the thoughts of leaving our worldly abode. To live a life of contentment, one must maintain a good work-life balance. Happiness in our younger years evolves into feelings of contentment at a later stage. It is only with a good work life balance that we can truly stay happy and fulfilled even as we age, do what I do and use the Test & Measure principle have nonnegotiable like working out a certain number of times a week and have a mate or partner to keep you accountable you be surprised how they can really help whip you into shape just by keeping you accountable.  


To embrace the above-mentioned is not easy. However, it is so bloody worth it.

Fitness goals take time, rid yourself of the BS stories such as I will start Monday, I don’t have enough time, my body hurts after exercise, I am too embarrassed, I don’t have any gym activewear – excuses believe me I have heard them all. My advice you can start small steps right now and each day use what I call  Leanmuscle  Stacking Principle whereby your making small changes for amplified results, you will soon notice how every additional minute of sleep and exercise, and excessive sugar that you say no too, and clean food that you eat in your early or recent years will help you pave your way to success in life.

 As a veteran Personal trainer, I am honoured to assist every individual who asks me to be a part of their fitness journey. As I watch them discover inner qualities, they did not know they possessed, I find myself learning something new from them, their challenges and how they dig deep to find the strength to overcome them.

Believe me when I say, “This experience with each person helps me to become a better version of myself too”. What an amazing connection to look forward to each day! This is how I believe I have stood the test of time and will continue to serve and laugh with health!

Equip yourself with these simple tips to make your youthful days a joy to remember!

Look after your body for the first 50 Years and it will look after you for the next 50!

Fred Liberatore

Studio Owner Master Coach and Author  


“SWEAT SWEAR SMILE” (All you need to do is cover a small shipping and handling fee)

(So, now you Can Use the Power of Fitness to Get More Energy, feel less Bloated, and live the life and awesome life… No Matter What your level of fitness is!)

Inside the pages of this breakthrough book, I detail strategies you can use immediately…

1.    Mindset is everything (You will understand how winning everything isn’t but wanting to is

2.    ​Crushing your limitations (It’s time to kick that “itty-bitty-shity” committee to the kerb

3.    ​A real game plan (Life is short and regret is a bitch so stop waiting

4.    ​Don’t overeat and don’t under eat (Will teach you how It’s a balancing act but you soon recognise what suits your needs

5.    ​Exercise myth’s exposed (I’ve heard them all you be surprised what people think).

​And much, MUCH more!

I’ll even show you step by step exactly how to prepare for a body transformation that changed my life… along with many of the other insider secrets I’ve learned over the last four decades from doing it.

There's no fluff. This is the real deal!

Again, it's all straight from my experience with years of study, research, and trial and error along the way (along with more than a few mistakes) … and, making a lot of progress too!

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